My Journey as a ... Writer

Ten Research Questions:

1.) How are food industries masking infected food?

2.) Does Kevin's Law cover enough grounds in the food industry?

3.) Why are there exceptions to how much "extra" materials are allowed in our meat?

4.) Is there an alternative to using preservatives?

5.) If we know that corn is harmful to the cows and effects the end result of our meat why is it still allowed to be used as feed?

6.) How many fatalaties are caused each year due to E Coli?

7.) How does the meat infected with E Coli make it onto our shelves at the super market without being detected?

8.) Are there signs that we should be aware of that would show early warning signs of E Coli poisoning?

9.) Since Kevin's Law has the number of fatalities due to mass production gone down, gone up, or stayed the same?

10.) Besides E Coli, what other diseases can come from the mass production of meat and the use of steriods and other additives?