My Journey as a ... Writer

Berry, W. (1990) The Pleasures of eating.  In What are People for?  North Point Press.

In his article, Wendall Berry argues that the American consumer has become passive regarding how and what we eat.  We have massive obesity and health problems in this country because we have let big companies dictate what we eat.  We have lost sight of where our food comes from.  I for one can say that beef tastes differently that it did even 20 years ago.  The way that our food is produced is slowly killing us.  Instead of looking for that fast fix for dinner, we need to grow and prepare our own food as much as possible.  He also states we should eat locally to insure freshness and history of our food intake.  He believes if we really knew how pur food was produced and the enethical politics involved perhaps we would become advocates for humane treatment of animals that are to become our food.

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